The impact that these teachers have on my children also surprises me. They take everything they are told at school as the only truth that cannot even be debated. As long as she mentions; “my teacher said…” there is nothing you can say against what her teacher said. For example, my daughter cannot eat anything without washing hands. Even if someone buys biscuits and gives them to her, she will tell them “I need to wash my hands.” She keeps telling her friends in the neighborhood that they will eat ‘germs’ if they don’t wash their hands before eating.   My children know how to take care of their nose whenever they have a cold and I have been impressed by how quickly their toilet manners have improved , thanks to the teachers and the ‘jajjas’ (grannies). Still on the teachers’ impact, there is a time, my daughter’s class was asked to bring some of the clothes they had outgrown to be given to needy children, who she refers to as ‘poor children.’ I had given out all their old clothes in my neighbourhood, so I gave her teacher some money as contribution towards this cause but Aliyah would not hear of it. She wanted clothes because that is what the teacher had said. She sang it everyday however much I explained.  One day, she came back home with some of her clothes in the bag and when I asked her about it, she said he was taking them to the needy children. She had packed them to give them out but she forgot them. I could not believe it. She met her aunties and told them how I had refused to give her clothes to take to poor children yet her teacher had said so. The aunties asked me why and told them the whole story. They just gave her clothes to take to the’ poor children.’

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